Saturday, September 20, 2014

Questions to ask

Look at this video. I love it. Ask this question before you date a guy.

Love you and God loves you as well
Tell me how it works out when you ask.
Im not dating anyone at the moment, but I will let yall know once I start dating
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Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!!!

So yesterday I was talking to my friend on the phone and she reminded me of my age..  I will be 24 in  a couple of months!!!!!!

Once I accepted the fact that I am old, I then compared my mindset from today and a couple of years ago. Here is a list of 5 things I have change:
  1. BACK THEN I use to be materialistic. I use to want all the latest things and had to have everything that was "in". NOW I do not think about those things. Example new iPhone coming out and guess what I DONT CARE. As long as my current iPhone is working correctly, I am not worried about it
  2. BACK THEN I use to think if I had a male in my life I would be complete. I would do anything for male attention. NOW As long as I have GOD I am complete. Who is better than GOD? I love God so much. He knows me from my in and out. 
  3. BACK THEN I use to wear tight and short clothes. Wanted everyone to look at me because of what I had on. NOW I would not even wear anything like that showing my body. I love fashion but there is a difference between fashion and looking crazy lo.
  4. BACK THEN I use to have meaningless ships(relationships, friendships) NOW I do not entertain people and I do not let anyone entertain me!
  5. BACK THEN I use to not carry myself as a queen. NOW YES I have expectations! I AM A QUEEN. NO I will not settle. 


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Sunday, August 17, 2014


Talking on the phone, doing on dates, giving & receiving gifts.... The list goes on. You know what I want to talk about RELATIONSHIPS. Oh I'm not in a relationship, I dream about being in one. Ughhhhh I want the man of my dreams to find me. The one God has for me. Hmmmm I wonder what he is doing right now... Probably writing a blog. Hahahaha just joking.

But on a serious note. I always "see" people in relationships, being happy. Than I have to remind myself I do not know what is going on in their life. A picture does not shows the heartbreak or the struggle. It just shows the couple together smiling. Being in the moment. An example is seeing a millionaire going on vacation all the time. You want that person life, but you do not know the struggle that happen before.

So lets be happy with the life we have. If your single (like me) enjoy your single life. 

Kisses xoxoxoxoxoxo

Ohhhhh. I forgot to tell yall. I'm going away for a while again. NO Facebook, Instagram, Social media period. Time to focus on two things GOD & MYSELF. You can always email me.

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Friday, August 15, 2014


Do any of you have DADDY issues? Maybe your father was not around, you was not close to him, he hurt you, and so on..... Well I want to talk about DADDY. The other part of your DNA besides your mother. Well I want to talk about him my VGW.

You know how some people says, your past affects your future? Well that is true. Your past or future relationship with your father will affect your relationship with men. Some women do not even know there father, so they look for other man to be the "daddy figure" (some not all)


I love being honest with yall. I grew up in a nice neighborhood, parents still together, and they both had good jobs. Looking at my family you would have thought we had it all together. GIRL PLEASE. We had problems, but we did not let the outside see them. Around the age of 10, I knew I did not want to marry a guy like my father (yes I said it! I know a father is suppose to be every girls first love, but with me thats not the case). Seeing my father cheat on my mother, I did not want anything to do with him. And seeing her take him back like its okay. It was annoying. I had no one to talk to, plus I did not want everyone in my business. I wanted everyone to continue to think my life was "perfect". Plus I had to be strong for my mother. 

How can I trust a man when I do not even trust my father?

My BC (Before Christ) days I use to jump from guy to guy. I always wanted to feel love. If they did not love my than I would go to the next guy. I was in a toxic relationship for 4 years. He "loved" me. I acted like my mom as well. Hollered at him than took him back hours later. Looking back at that relationship I do not know why I was even with him.


I pray to GOD I forgive my dad, but as for right I can look at him. How could he hurt my mom like that? I pray that I find a man that loves GOD first then ME. I need to forgive him


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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Gotta tell y'all the truth...


Being a single 23 year old is HARD, while trying to be the best Godly Woman I can. So this past weekend I went out the the club (I know I know..) I did not drink nor wear anything revealing. I felt so awkward because everyone was drunk and the females was showing off all their body parts. When I was at the club I felt like an outsider. Anyways the friend of my family member I went out with like me (I haven't had a guy that liked me in a while, so I was excited). When we was at the club he was drinking and looking at those women with lust. He isn't a Godly Man. I invited him to church with me, but he had to work the Sunday. We were texting yesterday, he is a nice guy from what I can tell, BUT he did not say anything to me about GOD and being a Christian. Hmm is it because I did not bring it up. I feel like the first topic we should have talked about was GOD. Rightt?


Does him being a nice guy mean I should give him a chance?

Do I help him become closer to God while working on myself? 

What if he is just getting to know God because of me and not taking it serious?

What they saying???

A couple family members says, "your going to be single for the rest of your life. Just have a little fun"Fun?? I have fun, I just don't want to entertain guys that I don't see myself with in a few years. I do not want to mess up me and my future husband relationship because I'm occupying my time with a random.


I came to the conclusion that I want to be in a relationship. I want someone to go on dates with and talk to. But I need to SLOW down. When it's my time,, ITS MY TIME!! I need to enjoy being single. 

Hope you enjoy the read. Email me. FYI I will not be going out anymore. I love staying at home.

The Devil thats getting the singles wet, is the same Devil that keeps 
married people dry…
                  ---DR. RA Vernon

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Thursday, June 26, 2014


Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE…. You can do anything you set your mind to do!!!

Last year I made a vision board. I did not stick with it. To be honest I do not stick with anything for a long time. I try something, than I do something else. Thats what I'm working on… Anyways, lets set ONE GOAL rather than setting tons of goals. Once we accomplish that goal, than set another one. I think we will get a lot done just focusing on one of our goals. 

What you think????

Who's going to try it with me???

P.S. Ladies I am writing these blogs because I'm going through the same things you are going through. I want you to know your not alone and if you need anyone to talk to or pray with I'm here for you. My life is not perfect, BUT MY FATHER(GOD) IS!!!
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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Speak It Into Existence!!

Can I talk to my Virtuous Godly Woman for a minute??….

Why don't we listen to God when he tells us to do something? He tells us to leave our job, stop talking to randoms, let our friends go BUT we continue to hold on to these things...


God has a plan for our life. He knows everything about us and every action that we're going to take. He has a plan for us, but we always go off track. We need to realize, if we do not listen to God now, we will listen to him later. 

So Lets Ask Ourself…. "Why Don't I Listen To God"

Is it because I'm scared or I don't want people to judge me?? I know God has a plan for my life and he tells me to do things, but I'm scared. I'm scared that I want succeed in what he wants me to do. I'm sure he told me a start looking and applying for law school. I'm SCARED!!! What if I do not get accepted? What if my LSAT score is not high enough? I have so many negative thoughts I can't think positive. 

Starting Today Lets Think Positive!!

Today I am doing everything God wants me to do. I'm going to pray about it and I know God has my back. 

Talking Things In EXISTENCE 

I AM…. I AM….. I AM….

Write What Your Speaking In Existence In Comment Selection or Email Me 

-Love VGW
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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Something Called Venting

At times I get tired of always asking my parents for money. I do not like the fact that I depend on them. I graduated from college one year ago with my Bachelors and I am still clueless about what I want to do with my life. To be honest, I have melt down once a week. I see how other people my age is living their life (traveling, married, & free) and compare it to my life. 

GOD told me, "You are not ready. Be content where you are. When its your time, its your time"

Every time I get depress or have melt downs I remember what he told. There is a reason for everything, so whatever you are going through leave it at the FEET of GOD and just know he is preparing you for greater.


(Insert Name), GOD has something better for you, your just have to wait…..



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Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Sunshine is Near!!!

My parents and I recently went to visit my sister. She lives 3.5 hours away. As always I drive (my parents drive toooo slow). Anyways once we gotten on the highway it started raining, than 5 minutes later the rain was coming down heavy. I could not see the road nor the cars in front of me. 

My mom said, "You should pull over and wait for the rain to let up". I had two choices either pull over  and wait until whenever the rain stopped (I had no idea when the rain was going to stop, so we probably was going to be waiting a long time) or drive slow through the rain . I decided to drive through the rain. I knew it was not raining in another area I had to drive through. I drove 10 minutes and GUESS WHAT, it was not raining.

Have you ever been in a storm and you felt like giving up. Well I am here to tell you; DO NOT GIVE UP!!!!!!

GOD is walking with you. It may be raining now, but it is not raining in your future. 

Pray that GOD help you through the storm that your facing. The storm is little and you are big, don't let that little ole storm stop you from being the BEST!!

I know you are GREATER than that storm.

Deuteronomy 31:6
"Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.”

-Love VDW
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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Looking Back

Once I graduated from college I was not able to find a job. I was very shocked. I thought once you graduate and have your degree you could find the job in your field, which was WRONG. My major is Human Development and Family Studies. I started applying for positions spring semester senior year (I knew how I wanted my life). Once I graduated, I went back to my hometown to stay with my parents until I find a job anywhere. I have applied to millions of positions and received millions of rejection letters. I have went on interviews, but no call back.

During this time I had a boyfriend that moved to Georgia to be with his family once I graduated. I applied to places in Georgia to be closer to him. He kept pressing me to move to GA to become closer to him. I applied places and they sent rejection letters.

GOD knows how to work things out for the better. When I moved back home I felt alone; people was there but I was missing something. One random Wednesday I went to church for bible study. The pastor was preaching about living for GOD in your single stage. He said, "If your not married, you are single. Stop trying to please a man that is not GOD. GOD will put the person in your life in due time. While you are single enjoy GOD!!"

Looking back at my situation I realize GOD knew what he was doing. He knew if I would have gotten that position or moved to Georgia I would not be closer to him as I am now. I am happy because GOD is MY BESTFRIEND, PROVIDER, PROTECTER, SHOULDER TO LEAN ON, HE IS ALWAYS THERE WHEN I NEED HIM.

VIRTUOUS GODLY WOMEN: Remember GOD will turn any situation around to be close to him. Look back over your life….. Tell me a time when GOD DO IT!!!
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Friday, May 23, 2014

He (Devil) Won

Have you ever had one those days when you are not feeling it. Well today was that kind of day. I woke up not feeling it and I felt the Devil ALL AROUND me. I knew I was going to get tested, but I let the Devil win smh. 

God have been helping me with my patience, but today was not the day. Every person I came in contact with kept trying me. I let them have it, in every type of way. I am not happy because the way I acted, A Virtuous Godly Woman should not act like that. 

I am mad I let the Devil smile today, BUT I declare he is not going to smile anyone. God is on my side and I want to see him smile. Whenever you know the Devil is going to test you talk to God he is going to help you get through it. Tomorrow is going to be better… I RECEIVE THAT!!!

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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Shout Out

Today is Shout Out day!! 
This Shout Out goes to my EX-BOYFRIEND

He lied and cheated on me, while I was putting him on a pastel. We had non-marital sex whenever HE wanted it. He told me how to do my hair (always weave) and how to dress (mini dresses). I gave him husband privileges, while he was just my boyfriend. My Pastor told me, "Why buy the cow, when you can get the milk for free". I thought about what Pastor said for a long time and I talked to god.

GOD said: Why are you treating him like your husband and your GOD? Don't you see he don't respect me and he sure don't respect you. I have someone that is better for you. He will be all you would ever need, BUT you will have to wait until I PUT HIM IN YOUR LIFE. So you can either settle for this guy or wait on your ADAM. (I'm waiting on my Adam not settling for anything or anyone!)

So the reason why I'm shouting out my ex is because if he was not for him I would not have a close relationship with GOD. GOD had to drag me out of that situation to become closer to him. GOD is a jealous GOD.

Let me tell you, DO NOT SETTLE!!! GOD has something greater for you, but you have to wait. Are you going to WAIT or NAH.

 Jeremiah 29:1 "For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome"


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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Shake it Off!

Acts 28: 3-6

3Now Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks, and he was laying them on the fire when a viper crawled out because of the heat and fastened itself on his hand 4When the natives saw the little animal hanging from his hand, they said to one another, doubtless this man is a murderer for though he has been saved from the sea has not permitted that he should live 5Then Paul shook off the small creature into the fire and suffered no evil effects 6However they were waiting, expecting him to swell up or suddenly drop dead, but when they had watched him long time and saw nothing fatal or harmful come to him they changed their minds and kept saying over and over he was a god. 

The viper is a dangerous animal. If anyone gets bitten by this snake, he or she will die or loose a body part. So people thought Paul was going to die, but little did they know Paul had so much faith in God. That little bite did not hurt him. He shook it off and kept doing what needed to be done. Times in our life we are going to get bitten by things (rejection, disappointment, evil spirits, and so on) we need to understand how to shake this things off. People are looking at us, lets show them GOD is our side and we shake it off……..

Pray tonight that we shake off  what have bitten us and have more of God in our life. Bless you :)
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