Sunday, August 17, 2014


Talking on the phone, doing on dates, giving & receiving gifts.... The list goes on. You know what I want to talk about RELATIONSHIPS. Oh I'm not in a relationship, I dream about being in one. Ughhhhh I want the man of my dreams to find me. The one God has for me. Hmmmm I wonder what he is doing right now... Probably writing a blog. Hahahaha just joking.

But on a serious note. I always "see" people in relationships, being happy. Than I have to remind myself I do not know what is going on in their life. A picture does not shows the heartbreak or the struggle. It just shows the couple together smiling. Being in the moment. An example is seeing a millionaire going on vacation all the time. You want that person life, but you do not know the struggle that happen before.

So lets be happy with the life we have. If your single (like me) enjoy your single life. 

Kisses xoxoxoxoxoxo

Ohhhhh. I forgot to tell yall. I'm going away for a while again. NO Facebook, Instagram, Social media period. Time to focus on two things GOD & MYSELF. You can always email me.

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Friday, August 15, 2014


Do any of you have DADDY issues? Maybe your father was not around, you was not close to him, he hurt you, and so on..... Well I want to talk about DADDY. The other part of your DNA besides your mother. Well I want to talk about him my VGW.

You know how some people says, your past affects your future? Well that is true. Your past or future relationship with your father will affect your relationship with men. Some women do not even know there father, so they look for other man to be the "daddy figure" (some not all)


I love being honest with yall. I grew up in a nice neighborhood, parents still together, and they both had good jobs. Looking at my family you would have thought we had it all together. GIRL PLEASE. We had problems, but we did not let the outside see them. Around the age of 10, I knew I did not want to marry a guy like my father (yes I said it! I know a father is suppose to be every girls first love, but with me thats not the case). Seeing my father cheat on my mother, I did not want anything to do with him. And seeing her take him back like its okay. It was annoying. I had no one to talk to, plus I did not want everyone in my business. I wanted everyone to continue to think my life was "perfect". Plus I had to be strong for my mother. 

How can I trust a man when I do not even trust my father?

My BC (Before Christ) days I use to jump from guy to guy. I always wanted to feel love. If they did not love my than I would go to the next guy. I was in a toxic relationship for 4 years. He "loved" me. I acted like my mom as well. Hollered at him than took him back hours later. Looking back at that relationship I do not know why I was even with him.


I pray to GOD I forgive my dad, but as for right I can look at him. How could he hurt my mom like that? I pray that I find a man that loves GOD first then ME. I need to forgive him


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